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Guijun LI
time :2019-06-14 18:10:48 source :


1.Contact Information

Name: Guijun LI

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):04/04/1973

Position: Professor/Director in Office of Research Administrative

Serve in CUFE Business School since (mm/yyyy): 07/2003

Phone: 13641369109


2. Education


09/2000-10/2003 Harbin Institute of Technology Management School PhD in Management Science and Engineering

09/1998-09/2000 Harbin University of Commerce Economics School Master of Economics in Industry Economics

09/1993-07/1996 Heilongjiang Institute of Science & Technology Economics and Management School

3. Working Experience (including full time and part time jobs)

05/2013-Present Central University of Finance and Economic State-owned Director Office of Research Administrative

05/2010-05/2013 Central University of Finance and Economic State-owned Deputy Director Office of Research Administrative

03/2011-09/2011 Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic China State-owned Deputy Director Office of Human Resource


4. Main Research Fields

Systems Engineering, Sustainable Development, Investment Project Management


5. Visiting Experiences

Period University College/Department

2005.03-2005.08 Stevens Institute of Technology College of Technology Management


6. Research projects (includingvertical and horizontal)

2018.9 2018.9.14-2019.9.30 Research on Frontier Issues of Financial Science and Technology Beijing Jingdong Financial Technology Holding Co., Ltd. 300.000 RMB

2018.2 2018.2.6-2018.8.12 Modern Financial System and Subprojects of National Governance Projects Department of Personnel Education, Ministry of Finance 628.000 RMB

2017.8 2017.9.1-2017.10.31 Study on Sustainable Development of Urban and Environmental Systems in China and America National Natural Science Foundation 60.000 RMB

2015.2 2015.2-2016.12 Research on the database of China Asset Evaluation Industry China Asset Evaluation Association 300. 000 RMB

2014.4 2014.6-2018.12 Establishment and Empirical Study of Dynamic System Model on

Water-Energy-Food Nexus in China's Typical Regions national natural science foundation 630 .000 RMB

2014.2 2014.2-2016.12 Study on the formation of ecological industry chain and the development strategy of enterprises in the process of Urbanization Enterprise Commission 2.000. 000 RMB

2013.5 2013.7-2015.5 2013Sino French "Cai Yuanpei" exchange cooperation project Chinese Scholarship Council of the Ministry of Education 30 .000 RMB

2013.1 2013.1-2014.12 Planning and operation management design of Mausoleum of Genghis Khan tourist area Enterprise Commission 1.000.000 RMB

2013.1 2013.1-2014.12 Research on the strategy and model of Inner Mongolia tourism development supported by CITIC Bank Enterprise Commission 300.000 RMB

7. Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.)

Journal articles

Li Guijun, Wang Yongsheng, Jie Luo, Li Yulong Evaluation on Construction Level of Smart City: An Empirical Study from Twenty Chinese Cities Sustainability 2018,10(9)

Li Guijun, Wang Yongsheng, Huang Daohan, Yang Hongtao Water-energy-food nexus in urban sustainable development: an agent-based model International Journal of Crowd Science 2017,2(1):121-132

Li Guijun, Huang Daohan,Li Yulong Evaluation of Water-Energy-Grain Input-Output Efficiency in Different Regions of China A comparison of economic and social systems 2017(3):138

Li Guijun, Huang daohan,Li Yulong Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF-Nexus): New Perspective on Regional Sustainable Development Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics 2016/12/76-90

Li Guijun, Li Yulong, Jia Xiaojing, Du Lei, Huang daohan Establishment and Simulation Study of System Dynamic Model on Sustainable Development of Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Beijing Management review 28,10

Li Guijun, Huang daohan,Li Yulong China's input-output efficiency of water-energy-food nexus based on the data envelopment analysis(DEA) model Sustainability(SCI) 2016, 8(9), 927

Huang Zhiye, Li Guijun, Li Yulong, Chang Yuan Evaluation of sustainable development of Beijing based on DPSIR model Urban development research 23/09/20-24

Song Yanqiu, Gaoting, Li Guijun Research on financing preference of small and medium sized scientific and technological enterprises——Based on 4 enterprises multiple cases east china economic management 2016, 30(9):157-164

HuangZhiye, Li Guijun, Wang Tao Relational contract model of small and medium sized enterprises and banks in the context of bilateral moral hazard Management Science in China 24/8/10-17

Wang Tao, Li Yulong, Limao Zhang, Li Guijun Case study of integrated prefab accommodations system for migrant on-site construction workers in China Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice(SCI) 2016

Chang Yuan, Li Guijun,Yuan Yao,Lixiao Zhang,Chang Yu Quantifying the water-energy-food nexus: current status and trends Energies(SCI) 9/2/65

Li Yulong, Zhu Yufeng, Song Yanqiu, Li Guijun Study on the evaluation of rural land circulation maturity based on Analytic Hierarchy Process Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics 2015,(9):63-70

Gao Ting, Song Yanqiu, Wang Yaoqi, Li Guijun Financing Preferences of High Technology Startups in China: An Explorative Study Global Economy and Governance ISSN 2392-6740

Li Yulong, Wang Tao,Xinyi Song,Li Guijun Optimal Resource Allocation for Anti-terrorism in Protecting Overpass Bridge Based on AHP Risk Assessment Model KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering(SCI) on line

Wang Xi, Li Guijun Policy innovation drives the development of new energy industry -- A Study on tax policy of wind power industry in China Chinese Soft Science 2014,12/170-178

Conference papers

Huang Zhiye, Li Guijun, Song Ziyang Development path exploration of China's housing industry from the perspective of market analysis Proceedings of 2015 international conference on construction &real estate management Swiss,2015.11

Song Yanqiu, Yang Lan, Li Guijun, Gao Ting Knowledge Sharing and dynamic capability: A system dynamic model for innovation projects organization 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Italy,2015.5

Wang Tao, Li Yulong, Li Guijun, Wu Sijia An Innovated Integrated Prefab Quarter System for the Migrant Construction on-site Workers of China 2015 Modular and Offsite Construction Summit & 1st International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction (2015 MOC & 1st ICIC) Canada,2015.11

Li Yulong, Liu Yahui, Dulei, Li Guijun Safety Risk Assessment on Critical Infrastructure Using an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method: Taking Changzhi City As an Example 2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management U.S.,2014.10

Li Yulong, Li Guijun, Wu shuang Design and Practice of Sand Table Simulation in Construction Project Management Teaching Based on BIM International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2013 China,2013.10

Huang Zhiye, Li Guijun Relationship Lending in Financing Small and Medium Sized Energy Management Companies Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2011) China,2011


Ha Si, Li Guijun Farmer shareholders: giving farmers more property rights Renmin University of China press 2016.6

Wang Yaoqi, Li Guijun Investment project evaluation(2011版) China Financial Publishing House 2011.12

Li Guijun China's monetary policy transmission mechanism and operating rules Economic Science Press 2011.6

Book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.

Li Guijun, Sun Zhen, Li Huiling, Hu Xiangxu, Wang Feiyue Operational Guidelines for Accounting of Construction Enterprises China Construction Industry Publishing House 2018.10

Li Guijun My father taught me how to manage money. Economic Science Press 2018.1

Jia xiaojing, Li Guijun, Lin Zefu Project management (translation) tsinghua university press 2013.6


8. Academic Conferences

2016.10 2016 international conference on construction &real estate management Canada Stereoscopic Agriculture and Its Impacts on Land Use Efficiency in China: A

Case Study of Inner Mongolia(Third)

2015.5 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics Italy Knowledge Sharing and dynamic capability: A system dynamic model for innovation projects organization(Third)


9. Teaching Experience(2014—2018)

2014-2017 operation management Compulsory MBA


10. Consulting Services for Business Community

2015.2-2016.12 China Asset Evaluation Association State-owned Asset evaluation data platform

2014.2-2016.12 Inner Mongolia Dongda group Privately operated Study on the formation of ecological industry chain and the development strategy of enterprises in the process of Urbanization

2013.1-2014.12 Mausoleum of Genghis Khan MC State-owned Design of tourism area planning and operation management

2013.1-2014.12 China Citic Bank State-owned Research on the strategy and model of Inner Mongolia tourism development

2011.12-2012.12 China Citic Bank State-owned Small business financing Alliance Service Innovation

2011.11-2012.12 Inner Mongolia small business alliance Privately operated Small business finance leasing business

11. Professional Activities and Services

2014.10 Journal of Building Economics The editorial board

2013.12 Urban economic society member of a council

2016.11 China Construction Research Institute member of a council



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Address:MBA Education Center,Central University of Finance and Economics,39 Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing(100081)
Copyright 2015@ MBA Education Center, Central University of Finance and Economics
