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Yongling Gao
time :2019-06-14 18:01:36 source :


1. Contact Information

Name: Yongling Gao

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): October 1982

Position: Associate professor

Phone: 13810499862


2. Education

September 2000 - June 2004 Beijing Jiaotong University Department of transportation management, college of transportation Bachelor of engineering

September 2004 - September 2005 Beijing Jiaotong University Department of transportation management, college of transportation

September 2005 - July 2008 Beijing Jiaotong University Department of transportation management, college of transportation Engineering, Dr.

3. Working Experiences(including both full time and part time job)

Period (mm/dd/yyyy) Employer Ownership(State-owned/Private/Joint venture/Foreign firm, etc.) Position

July 2008-Present Central university of finance and economics business school State-owned Teachers


4. Main Research Fields

Investment, operational decisions, real options, transportation and logistics under uncertain conditions


5. Visiting Experiences

2012.6-7 King’s College London Visiting Scholar

2013.2-2014.1 King’s College London Visiting Scholar


6. Research projects (2014—2018)


6/25/2018 6/25/2018-12/31/2018 Study on the Passage Policy of Urban Distribution Vehicles from the Perspective of Competition between New Energy Vehicles and Fuel Vehicles National Office of Philosophy and Social Science Planning


20.0000 RMB

7/27/2017 7/27/2017-12/1/2019 Carbon Emission Reduction Behavior and New Energy Vehicle Promotion Strategy under the Knight's Environment

Ministry of Education

8.0000 RMB

2013 1/2013-12/2015 Real Option and its Application in Outsourcing Pricingunder the Knight's Environment "Young Talents Program" of Beijing Colleges and Universities 15.0000 RMB


7. Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.) (2014—2018)

Journal articles

Author(s) Title Journal Title (please indicate if it is SSCI/SCI) Date of Publication (Volume No., issue No., and pages)

Yongling Gao, Tarik Driouchi, Accounting for ambiguity and trust in partial outsourcing: A behavioral real options perspective[J] Journal of Business Research (SCI) 2018.11,92:93-104

Yongling Gao, Tarik Driouchi, David J. Bennett, Ambiguity aversion in buyer-seller relationships: A contingent-claims and social network explanation[J] International Journal of Production Economics (SCI&SSCI) 2018, 200:50-67.

Tarik Driouchi, Lenos Trigeorgis, Yongling Gao Choquet-based European option pricing with stochastic (and fixed) strikes[J] OR Spectrum(SCI&SSCI) 2015, 37(3), 787-802

Yongling Gao Tarik Driouchi, Incorporating Knightian Uncertainty into Real Options Analysis: Using Multiple-priors in the Case of Rail Transit Investment [J], Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (SCI&SSCI) 2013, Vol. 55, 09. p. 23-40.

Conference papers


Yongling Gao, Bingbing Zhang The impacts of endogenous ambiguity attitude on the manufacturer’s green level and pricing strategies and government subsidy The Tenth Annual International Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering 7/2017.Sun Yat-sen University, SYSU


Book chapters, translations, edit works, etc.


Xiaojing Jia,Guijun Li,Yongling Gao Operation Management China Machine Press 12/01/2018



8. Training Classes and Seminars Experience (2014—2018)

7/2018 Operation Management in MBA Teaching Seminar Zhejiang University Zhejiang University


9. Teaching Experience(2014—2018)


2017-2018 Operation Management Compulsory MBA



10. Government & Academic Positions (2014—2018)

Period (mm/dd/yyyy) Government/Academic Institutions/Associations/Journals Position

7/2018.7-Present Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Reviewer

2/2018-Present National Natural Science Foundation of China Reviewer

3/2017-Present International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making Reviewer

5/2017-Present China Society of Logistics Researcher

8/2016-Present Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Reviewer

11. Awards & Honors (2014—2018)

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Awarded by Award name Award ranking (if applicable)

2018 China Society of Logistics Second prize of thesis The second author

2018 China Society of Logistics Third prize The first author

May 2017 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Outstanding reviewer independent

2017 China society of systems engineering Excellent thesis award independent

2017 China Society of Logistics Third prize The first author

12. Case Study or Academic Research Used in Teaching(2014—2018)

Yongling Gao P-Median Model for Distribution Center Location and Its Solution Experiments Qinghua University Press Transportation and Distribution Management




上一条:Xiaojing JIA
下一条:Lianyou LI


Address:MBA Education Center,Central University of Finance and Economics,39 Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing(100081)
Copyright 2015@ MBA Education Center, Central University of Finance and Economics
